Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Are My Boobs Really Sagging?

So much to write today - I have finally come out of self pitty mode!

One goal of this week off is to figure out this whole blog thing. I have been reading peoples blogs all day and some of them are just so crafty! There are links to other blogs etc. etc. That will be my mission for this evening - pretty up my blog! I came across some funny sites today that I would love to share with everyone. There are some strange people out there! There are also infertile couples - what a concept!!!!

I stayed up late last night, as you can tell by the previous post. I researched everything I could possibly find about adoption. Here is my thinking - we can't afford to do a lifetime of IVF treatments. For shits & giggles - let's say that one takes and at some point I have a child. Do I honestly think we can afford to go through this time after time - also putting $ aside - can my body handle much more?? So - if we start the adoption process, then worst case scenario when / if an IVF treatment takes I would be blessed with two children. Doesn't sound like such a bad thing. Will is nervous about having two babies a month apart - and I hear my mother right now saying "Like - Yeah!!" But to me - the more the merrier!!

Will has always been completely open to adoption. I have been the more hesitant one. In keeping with the brutal honesty of this blog, I have always known I could love an adopted child, however, I worried if I would ever be able to love the child completely. I took two steps back last night and thought about a great friend of mine (I'll keep his name anonymous,) who has two adopted daughters. Those girls are his girls - even when I see them they light up my life. When I get that feeling with children who aren't even mine, I can't imagine not being able to completely love a child that was adopted.

My one adoption criteria has always been finding a mother who was pregnant and hooking up with her when the baby was in utero. Last night I took a step back and assessed what my need really was. Is my need to be pregnant or is my need to have a child from day 1 and raise and love that child? Yes, if I was not able to carry my child I would be sad, I won't lie however, I would rather not have that and adopt than have nothing in my life. That is the decision I came to. So at 6:16am this morning - I happily told my husband that maybe I would never have saggy boobs after all!!! I was quickly informed that I haven't had the perkiest boobs out there for quite sometime. Burst my little bubble!

After my research last night - there are SOOOOOOOOOO many women right here in America wanting to give up their children. Our adoption dilemma at the moment is an open or closed adoption. Some women want pictures every year and other woman make you sign a waiver that you will never live in the same state as the biological mother. I feel I want my child to know they were adopted etc. but yearly pictures - maybe to extreme for me..... I haven't evaluated that topic yet!

Another lucky thing happened this morning, Child magazine came out with their comprehensive results on IVF treatment centers in America. Yes, Virgo Shana, has contacted three of the top 5 for appointments already! Number one is in Colorado, another is in Reno and another in Portland. Who knew the Great State would come through for us infertile folk!! The center in Colorado has a 60% live birth success rate for clients of my age - this is compared to the national average of 38%. As I told Will - it's like getting two IVF treatments in one!! They are also currently doing a study of women suffering from endo. who are considering going through IVF. They discount the IVF fee and give you your $3K aprox. in medication for free. What more could you ask for?!!

So - as Will and I talked through adoption at 6:16am he said - the one good thing was we could pick the sex. At first I thought how awful!!! My next thought was why not - if it takes a year longer to get a newborn boy then why not......... BTW - all you boy mommies out there - yes your clothes will be coming to me!

So - today there is light at the end of the tunnel. The path is becoming more clear.

A couple final thoughts. In every blog I read today no matter what the subject, there was mention of Tom Cruise. Here is my two cents on him (which is in line with the rest of America I found out.) GO AWAY TOM CRUISE!! America is sick of you, you are immature, don't know anything about depression and came out with a stupid Sci Fi flick. You and Brad Pitt need to move to a deserted island somewhere! GO AWAY!!

Finally, a beautiful quote that my dear friend Diane emailed to me today by the Dali Lama:

"If you have fear of some pain or suffering, you should examine whether there is anything you can do about it. If you can, there is no need to worry about it; if you cannot do anything, then there is also no need to worry." His Holiness the Dali Lama

There will be more random thoughts to come - plus blog upgrades - brace yourself!
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Overheard some co-workers talking about it all week but didn't have time to ask so I thought I would post it here to see if someone could help me out.

Seems to be getting alot of buzz right now.

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