Sunday, July 10, 2005

Endometriosis 101

In an effort to bring more awareness to this disease (which I still can't fully comprehend,) I found some yes/ no questions that determine whether or not you or someone you know are at risk for having endometriosis. Please read through and think about yourself and anyone you may know or love - they could be at risk.

If you can answer Yes to any of the following questions, you could be at risk:

Do you experience so much pain during or around your period that you find yourself unable to work, attend school or social functions, or go about your normal routine?

Do you have any relatives that have been diagnosed with Endometriosis?

Do you find yourself with painful abdominal bloating, swelling or tenderness at any time in your cycle?

Do you have a history of painful ovarian endometriomas ("chocolate cysts")?

Do you have a history of miscarriage, infertility or ectopic pregnancy?

Do you experience gastrointestinal symptoms during your cycle, such as nausea or vomiting and/or painful abdominal cramping accompanied by diarrhea and/or constipation?

Do you have a history of fatigue and/or a lowered immunity (i.e., "sick and tired" all the time)?

Do you have a history of allergies, which tend to worsen around your periods?

If you are sexually active, do you experience pain during sexual activity?

Do you suffer from any other autoimmune diseases (i.e., thyroid disease, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, fibromyalgia, or multiple sclerosis)?

Have you ever undergone pelvic surgery like a laparoscopy, in which Endometriosis was suspected but not definitively diagnosed?

I realize some of this is graphic, however, many of these symptoms are what myself and other women with endometriosis suffer through on a monthly basis. If you or anyone you know thinks they might be suffering from this, I would be more than happy to talk to them.
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