Monday, July 11, 2005

I'm A Little Worried

Today I hired a local PR woman to write our "Dear Birthmother" letter. This is required for any adoption that is done - it introduces the couple wanting a child to the Birthmother. There are TONS of internet sites with "Dear Birthmother" letters from couples wanting to adopt.

So Carol (the PR woman) could better understand her task at hand, I pulled several sample copies from the internet. As I sat here and read letter after letter, I began feeling inadequate and wondering, why would someone want to have us adopt their child.

Now - I am not looking for a let's build up Shana's esteem. I am being completely real here. Many of these couples wanting children live in 5000 square foot homes, have two master degrees, work as CFO of their company and have 5 acres of land for their children to play on.

Will and I live in a 900 square foot condo, have a basic educational background and make a decent income, however, we are not rich by any means. Will is in school and I work full time and have no plans of being a stay at home mom. I forgot to mention - many of these "Dear Birthmother" letters emphasize the fact of the mother being a stay at home mom.

So - with all that said - why would Jane Smith who is trying to give her child the best upbringing possible chose Will and I?

Maybe it isn't a hopeless situation, however, I am feeling slightly hopeless today. I hope the adoption process goes smoother than the fertility treatment process - I am not sure if I can take another couple years of unpredictableness.
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